That has been the reaction to this year's topic for the Berean Family Conference. Yet the word "sin," or a derivative of it, is used 265 times in the New Testament alone. Paul refers to it in Romans 43 times. It is the reason why the Apostle John wrote his first epistle (I John 2:1), and in that short letter, he goes on to mention it 21 times. Additionally, the church's song book, the book of Psalms, refers to the word "sin" 104 times.
We have been saved from the punishment of sin (Romans 6:23), have been told that sin will not have dominion over us (Romans 6:14), have been exhorted not to continue in sin (Romans 6:1), and have been promised that we will eventually be delivered from the presence of sin (Revelation 21:4). The writer to the Hebrews exhorts his readers to lay aside the sin that so easily besets, or entangles, us (Hebrews 12:1). It appears that the topic of sin is indeed worth addressing at a conference. Come join us as we learn and grow together through the preaching of God's Word that we may bring forth fruit pleasing and glorifying to Him.
Speakers will include the following:
Mike Fanning: Pastor – Sapulpa Bible Church
Doug Fry: President – Christian Home Educators’ Fellowship of OK
Phil George: Pastor – Grace Life Church of Dallas
Dennis Gunderson: Grace and Truth Books
Guy Harrell: Pastor / Elder - Berean Family Church
Stephen Hopkins: Regional Facilitator - Church and Family Life
Please RSVP and let us know how many will be in your group so we can provide enough food.